Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Zwierząt GRUPA RATUJ

Dear Santa, I'm Maciuś. Just a few months ago I wouldn't have called myself a king, but now, thanks to my rescuers from the Ratuj Group, I can officially say that I am King Macius, the ruler of the couch. Sometimes memories come to me. I had an owner, but he wasn't a real caregiver. All he could do was watch as my skin burned from wounds and fleas, and he didn't do anything about it. I then decided to run away to look for help. For many months I wandered around the villages and looked for food in garbage cans. Day by day I was getting weaker and weaker, I felt the life slowly slipping away from me. Until finally help came. Now my fur has grown back! I'm almost as fluffy as the stuffed animals in store windows! I have a full belly and my own private couch. However, I would like to increase my immunity, so I am asking for Omega Acids supplements and Vetomune. I also love relaxing by eating rumen. If you could add a few, I would appreciate it. Jerks are what kings love the most, so if you have any for me, I'll be very happy. Wet food, oh my, yum yum, my tummy is really asking for a few cans. Thank you!

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